The Breastfeeding Coalition of Washington (BCW) was formed in 1995 as a partnership between the state WIC Program, local Breastfeeding Promotion task forces, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies and the Washington State Department of Health. It began by connecting 22 local coalitions and 125 individual members, and grew to 1500 members. The BCW operated under the umbrella of Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies (renamed WithinReach in 2006) participating in physician and staff education at regional hospitals, running conferences and trainings, producing educational materials, and recognizing employers, physicians, and volunteers who promote and support breastfeeding as a vital part of the health and development of children and their families. WithinReach shifted focus and ceased housing the BCW in 2017. Since that time, the BCW has continued to support networking among local coalitions, created its own board of directors, established bylaws and become recognized as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and is currently working to reestablish funding to support ongoing activities within Washington State.